Profiles Metrics

As of: 2/17/25 10:53 PM

99812 Total number of employees
Number of employees in the profiles database
69457 Number of employees who have updated their background
Number of employees in the profiles database who have updated their background
9256 Number of employees with a picture supplied
Number of employees in the profiles database who have supplied a picture
3 Number of employees with pronunciation supplied
Number of employees in the profiles database who have supplied a pronunciation guide
2118 Number of employees logged in today
Number of employees logged into the Profiles service in the last day
4631 Number of employees logged in the last week
Number of employees logged into the Profiles service in the last week
7988 Number of employees logged in the last month
Number of employees logged into the Profiles service in the last month
305 Number of profiles with tags
Number of profiles with tags in the profiles database
-1 Number of unique tags
Number of unique tags in the profiles database
-1 Number of tags
Total number of tags in the profiles database
5 most popular tags and count
Top 5 most popular tags and count in the profiles database
-1 Number of users with at least one board post
Number of users with at least one board post
-1 Number of new board posts today
Number of new board posts today
-1 Number of board posts
Number of board posts
-1 Number of board posts with comments
Number of board posts with comments
-1 Number of users with at least one colleague
Number of users with at least one colleague
-1 Number of colleagues
Number of colleagues
-1 Number of users with links
Number of users with links